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Singer-songwriter Cai Xukun Unveiling His Double Figures At Madame Tussauds Hong Kong

  • Thursday 15th June 2023
  • Madame Tussauds Hong Kong
  • New Wax Figure

Cai Xu Kun double wax figures side-by-side event at Madame Tussauds Hong Kong

(15 Jun 2023.Hong Kong)The talented Gen-Z singer-songwriter and music producer Cai Xukun (KUN) turned up in Hong Kong this June. Apart from heading to Asia-World Expo on 17 June, 2023 for a concert as a part of his world tours in Asia, today this pop icon unveiled his double figures in Hong Kong. Madame Tussauds Hong Kong and Shanghai have joined together for the unveiling event with the presence of KUN.

Singer-songwriter Cai Xukun Unveiling His Double Figures At Madame Tussauds Hong Kong

(15 Jun 2023.Hong Kong)The talented Gen-Z singer-songwriter and music producer Cai Xukun (KUN) turned up in Hong Kong this June. Apart from heading to Asia-World Expo on 17 June, 2023 for a concert as a part of his world tours in Asia, today this pop icon unveiled his double figures in Hong Kong. Madame Tussauds Hong Kong and Shanghai have joined together for the unveiling event with the presence of KUN.


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At the beginning of the event, KUN entered the venue with a round of applause and greeted the audience in Cantonese. He said, one of the most unforgettable parts of his visit to Hong Kong was to hold his first solo concert in Hong Kong. Besides that, he was so honoured to unveil his double figures in Hong Kong. The two unique figures of KUN will be on display in Hong Kong for three days. During the limited display period in Hong Kong, popular playlists from the artist will be played at the Hong Kong Glamour Zone. After that, one of the figures will return to Madame Tussauds Shanghai for a permanent display. He wished to deliver messages with his music to global fans during his world tour. He revealed at the ceremony that he would bring surprise to fans during the concert and suggested fans to get ready for it.

Cai Xu Kun  with Madame Tussauds Hong Kong's wax figure

During the double-figure unveiling ceremony, Ms BoBo Yu, Head of Sales and Marketing of Madame Tussauds Hong Kong, and Ms Fiona Yang, the General Manager of Madame Tussauds Shanghai, unveiled the figure with the popular icon KUN. He commented. “It is my time to see two lifelike figures of mine. I am like standing with two twins of mine!”. He was so grateful for the recognition from Madame Tussauds and appreciated that the brand had created two figures realistic figures. In the future, he promised to be dedicated to his music career with more tracks.

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Unlock unique charms with the double figures

KUN unleashes his charisma with the Shanghai’s figure in his 2021 Beijing concert stage costume. Hong Kong's figure in the tailor-made stage costume at the 2019 World's Got Talent show. The outfit highlights his strong charisma with the mix and match of black silk and gold buckles. Guests will get to feel his passion for performance. Ms BoBo Yu, the Head of Sales and Marketing of Madame Tussauds Hong Kong, commented that she was thankful for KUN coming to the unveiling ceremony at Madame Tussauds Hong Kong. As an influential Gen-Z singer-songwriter, the addition of the figures highlights the vitality of the young generation and offers an extraordinary journey to guests. Ms Fiona Yang, the

General Manager of Madame Tussauds Shanghai, was looking forward to seeing the new figure joining Shanghai soon. She invited guests to visit Madame Tussauds Shanghai and feel his special aura on stage. After that, Madame Tussauds wished KUN a successful concert in Hong Kong with a portrait of his double figures.

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The limited-time display of the double figures

The double wax figure of Cai Xukun will be displayed at Madame Tussauds Hong Kong from 16 to 18 June, 2023. The wax figure styled in 2021 Beijing concert stage costume will return to Madame Tussauds Shanghai with the Summer Music Homecoming Event on 30 June, 2023. The new figure will be on permanent display at the Music Zone of Madame Tussauds Shanghai from 1 July, 2023 and meet with fans as the first curator of the zone. Fans and guests are invited to listen to his exclusive summer playlist with the headset and post a message to KUN with the mini-mail box at Madame Tussauds Shanghai.

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