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The Oval Office Interactive Experience

Bronze Busts


Bust of Cesar Chávez

The Mexican-American civil rights activist and labor leader fought for la causa (“the cause”) in the 1960s and 1970s – improving the working and living conditions of American farm workers.

"Placing a bust of my father in the Oval Office symbolizes the hopeful new day that is dawning for our nation," said Paul F. Chavez, Chavez's son and president of the Cesar Chavez Foundation, in a press release.

Biden Oval Office Roosevelt Bust

Other Busts in the Room

Biden’s decor is unique for its many busts of notable Americans: sculpts of Martin Luther King Jr., Robert F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Harry Truman, Rosa Parks, and Eleanor Roosevelt are also on display throughout the Office. The cast of civil rights champions, women, and people of color represent Biden’s commitment to and embrace of diversity. Curators believe these busts to be the first-ever depicting women to be displayed in the room.

Biden Oval Office Rosa Parks Bust

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