5 Floors Of Celebrity Fun In The Heart Of New York Times Square
- Fun things to do in New York inside Madame Tussauds.
- Get in an “Empire State of Mind” while playing piano with Alicia Keys
- Show off your style at the Glow Gala
- Guest star on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
- Strut your style on the fashion runway
- Go behind the scenes of your favorite Broadway musicals
- Celebrate New Year's Eve with today's top artists
- Score with the top athletes in the world
- And save the city with the MARVEL heroes!

MARVEL Universe 4D Movie
Feel the power of your favorite MARVEL Super Heroes in Madame Tussauds New York's thrilling MARVEL Universe 4D cinema experience! Experience wind-chilling, water-soaking, and face-flinching special effects as you get closer than ever before to Captain Marvel, Thor, Black Panther, Rocket, Spider-Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp as they battle Loki in a bid to save the city from his invasion!