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Looking fine, fresh & fierce, Katy Perry’s wax figure embraces mum life & takes newborn on a picnic

  • Monday 31st August 2020
  • Katy Perry

Katy Perry PR Baby

After ‘roar’-ing through pregnancy, pop sensation Katy Perry announced the birth of her beautiful baby girl Daisy Dove Bloom last Thursday and less than a few hours later, was spotted enjoying a picnic in Pyrmont Bay Park with her newborn. Well… her wax figure was.

While the real award-winning entertainer embraced the first few exciting hours of her new gig as a California Mum, her wax figure was temporarily re-styled in celebration from a sequinned bubble gum leotard into a comfortable kimono with a signature Katy Perry hair turban.

With baby in pram, the figure enjoyed a day out ‘where the grass is really greener’ and radiated with a mix of the Sydney sun and new-mum glow.

“Katy Perry is a firework in the entertainment industry and we at Madame Tussauds Sydney believe she’s going to be just as colourful and sensational in motherhood,” Richard Dilly, Madame Tussauds Sydney General Manager said.

“Although it may be a while before she and the new bub are able to visit our iconic city, Katy Kats can live out their Teenage Dream of meeting their idol and celebrating the arrival of her newborn by taking a West Coast-inspired picture with her wax figure.”


Katy Perry PR Baby