The Justice League have swooped into Madame Tussauds Sydney and they need YOUR help to save the world (Yeah, YOU!) Bring your bravery and join the ultimate battle. Will you help answer the call?

Be transported to the streets of Metropolis and Gotham City for an experience that will BLOW. YOUR. MIND!
Can you dig deep and help Aquaman harness the powers of the sea? Think you’ve got what it takes to wield the power of Wonder Woman's wrist gauntlets? Can you muster the strength to help Superman lift a REAL helicopter? Will you act fast enough to summon Batman into battle? And can you list all of Cyborgs powers? Impress your friends and family as you show your bravery and conquer each challenge.
Check out all the interactives with your favourite superheroes at the new Justice League: A Call For Heroes experience at Madame Tussauds Sydney.
Click here to see images of our EXCLUSIVE figure reveal of Wonder Woman at Supanova.
Will you act fast enough to summon Batman into battle?
Can you dig deep and help Aquaman harness the powers of the sea?
Wonder Woman™
Think you’ve got what it takes to wield the power of Wonder Woman’s wrist gauntlets?
The Flash™
Can you run fast enough to power The Flash into battle?
Can you muster the strength to help Superman lift a REAL helicopter?
Are you ready to join forces with Cyborg and the Justice League to help them win the battle?