2024/2025 School pricing
Ticket type | Price |
Student Rate |
£15.00 per student |
Additional teachers (per teacher) |
£29.50 |
These rates are applicable to both UK and international primary, secondary, college and higher education (18+ College/University). Higher Education group bookings must be a minimum of 10 people & each individual must show valid Student identification. Free Teacher Ratio (primary 1:5/secondary 1:10).
Book a school tripPlease note our education rates are not available on weekends or the following dates during the 2024/2025 academic year:
20/10/2024 - 03/11/2024
22/12/2024 - 06/01/2025
15/02/2025 - 23/02/2025
05/04/2025 - 27/04/2025
24/05/2025 - 01/06/2025
19/07/2025 - 31/08/2025
If you would like to visit on one of the above dates with a school group you can take advantage of discounted Super Peak School rates at £26 per pupil, 1 teacher will go free for every 10 pupils.

KS2/KS3 pupils have the opportunity to learn
In English…
- To identify the different types of media and their purposes.
- To explore and critique how the media present information and use language to create meaning.
- To understand the concept of ‘fake news’ and why it is important.
In PSHE and Citizenship…
- To understand how the media portrays young people and to recognise its possible impact.
- To explore how identity is affected by the media

Supporting Risk Assessment
Download our free risk assessment to support you in the writing of your own.

Planning Tickets
We offer school teachers two free planning tickets to come onsite pre-trip to plan lesson content, locate facilities, ask questions and carry out a risk assessment. You can request your preferred visit date when booking your school trip through the reservation form. The tickets will then be shared with you for your selected date on email.

Visit our help centre for more information and frequently asked questions about a visit.

Classroom Learning
Get students inspired about their visit with our free activity packs and lesson plans with pre visit activity ideas for the classroom.
Learning Check Points
We would recommend students be prompted to complete ‘learning checkpoints’ or discussion points/tasks as they walk around the attraction; this will help guide and structure their learning through the various interactive and exciting zones. Just pick your theme and start exploring some example talking points on how your pupils learning experience could unfold!
Example discussion point 1: Children should consider the definition of fame. Would they like to be famous? Why/why not?
Example task 1: To review a list of some of the celebrities in the attraction and order them from most famous to least famous, giving reasons for choices. Who is on the A-List and who is on the B-List? How does it help children to define what we mean by ‘fame.’
Example discussion point 1: Ask children to consider what we mean by ‘celebrity culture’. What is our current celebrity culture? What role does the media play in this culture? Can we say that the media controls and defines this culture?
Example task 1: To imagine/create a private dialogue between two celebrities in Awards party. What would they say to each other? What would they have in common? Pupils should write an inner monologue for one or more of the celebrities, expressing how they really feel about the pressures of their celebrity status.
Example discussion point 2: Pupils should choose a celebrity and consider how they represent modern celebrity culture. How does their figure show the relationship between celebrity/fame and the media?
Example task 2: To create a selfie with a celebrity in A-list. What are the pressures when trying to create the perfect selfie? Why do people feel motivated to do it? How does it make them feel?
Example discussion point 1: Pupils should consider what it takes to be in the limelight as a fashion model, in front of millions of people. What personality traits are required? What are the challenges of this job?
Example task 1: To walk down the runway and record the different sensations of the experience using descriptive language and sensory description: sight, sound, touch, taste, smell.
** Pause/rest-bite**
Example discussion point 2: While children take a short break, they should watch how other visitors are interacting with the celebrities in the attraction. What do they notice?
Example task 1: To record observations of how members of the public interact with the attraction. What do they find interesting? What sorts of things do they do? What do they enjoy? Why do they enjoy it?
Example discussion point 1: Ask children to consider the term ‘fake news’. What does it mean? What different types of fake news are there?
Example task 1: To analyse a variety of news stories about one or more of the celebrities in the attraction (written/compiled specifically for the exercise) and to assess whether they think it is real or fake, picking out textual evidence to back up their decisions.
Example discussion point 2: Pupils should think about a recent election in the USA or the UK. Did fake news play a role in the election? How? Why is fake news dangerous when it comes to politics?
Example task 1: To write either a fake or a real headline in the style of a newspaper headline and swap it with other members of the class. Who is the best at spotting the fake news?
Example discussion point 1: Pupils should consider how fame has changed over time. How has the media contributed to these changes?
Example task 1: To analyse the fame experienced by The Beatles in the 1960s compared to the fame experienced by someone famous today. What is the same? Was it different?
Example discussion point 1: Pupils should be prepared before entry to the 4D cinema to consider how the experience engages them physically, mentally and emotionally – and why this is effective.
Example task 1: To create a new type of media for the future inspired by the experience in the 4D cinema.

Self-guided activity pack
Get students inspired during their visit with our free self guided careers focused activity pack.

Visit our help centre for more information and frequently asked questions about a visit.

Classroom learning
Re-visit the experience and follow-up on learning with our free post visit lesson plans and activity pack.

Post visit activity pack
Get students inspired about their future after their visit with our careers focused activity pack.